Friday, September 25, 2020

                                 Welcome! You are invited to the Grade 2 room with a view!

We will be using the blog regularly through the year to share our learning and communicate important information and activities in the school.

Over the last couple of weeks, we have been learning about ourselves as learners and sharing our thoughts, ideas and work in the class.
We started our year by brainstorming ideas about what characteristics we would use to describe ourselves. Using those words, we each created an Acrostic poem and worked on different lettering techniques to display our names in our journals. We used those words again later in the month when we created our “September Superheroes”. This was a guided art activity that involved paper folding and mixed mediums that showed us wearing our masks.
During our Read to Self, literacy block we have been working on building our reading stamina. 
Each day we tracked our minutes and record them on our own bar graphs. This past week we were reading between 10 -15 minutes. 
In the first two weeks of September, we set up of “Brain Pockets", our independent writing books. There are three pockets that the students choose from: imagination, memories, and facts. As a group, we brainstormed ideas that could go into our pockets and when it is writing time the students choose what they are going to write about. At the end of every week we share our writing with each other. 

This week, we started our guided writing and our topic was “About Me”. At the beginning of the week, we planned our writing using a picture plan, the next day we looked at triple scoop words to make our writing interesting for the reader and began our draft. We had started our first walking story!

During math, we created patterns using our names and have been using a die to create our own math questions as we count by 2s. 

Upcoming Events:
September 30 - Orange Shirt Day
October 2 - Terry Fox Run

This year is the 40th Anniversary of Terry Fox’s Marathon of Hope and is proud to be continuing the legacy of one of our greatest heroes. Please join us and support this wonderful cause by donating to: Together, we can all make a difference! #terryfoxschoolruns @terryfoxfoundation
All donations will be going through the above link. We are not asking students to bring in money this year and there will not be an assembly. Online donations will continue up until October 5th.
We are hoping to raise $2,000 this year. If that goal is reached Mr. Faunt and Mr. Belcher will put a pie in their own faces because they love to eat pie. Students will be able to watch this virtually through a link. Let’s see if we can make their dream to eat pie come true.

- Mrs. Schrattner

 Float or Sink? That was our challenge this week! We had to paper fold three different types of boats from the canoe, kayak and speedboat. T...