Wednesday, January 27, 2021


January 18 – 28, 2021

Stomp It! virtually with Mr. V last week was a great body break, coordination activity and the start to patterning in math by incorporating movement and numbers together. We have been creating patterns with 2, 3 and 4 terms in our core. In small groups we worked on cooperating and collaborating as we created a pattern that we repeated 4 times. Then the rest of the class when they recognized our group patterns joined us. Some of our patterns have been very challenging. This week we continued with our patterning, but included increasing and decreasing patterns in our movement patterns.

Basic Facts! We have been reviewing our addition and subtraction facts to 18. Some of the games we have used are Go Fish 18!, Go Fish 0!, Pyramid, Race to 100, Face Off and many more. These are great games that we can do at home with a family member. Another math concept we worked on was the associative property. 

During our guided writing we looked at instructional writing. We researched animals of the Arctic and how they survive in the cold. Using our researched information, we created “How to…” writing. 

Our art has taken us to Meteghan, Nova Scotia as we started to explore the physical landforms and area. We begin our travels on Monday to Meteghan and exploring the past and present. It will be interesting to travel to the east coast and learn about a different place in Canada.

Sunday, January 17, 2021

 January 11- 15, 2021


It was an interesting week as we looked at instructional writing and how to give a mammoth a bath.
We used a graphic organizer and after hearing the story filled in What?What?How? chart. Our first "What" is the task that you are explaining. The second, "What" is the materials we would use for the task and "How", is the steps one would need to do to complete the task. The next day we picked different books and read them with a partner looking to discover what the task was and materials needed in our stories before we wrote down the steps for the different tasks. 

In math, we practiced different mental math strategies to add and subtract to 18 through a variety of card activities. We were getting more accurate by the end of the week. 

 Float or Sink? That was our challenge this week! We had to paper fold three different types of boats from the canoe, kayak and speedboat. T...